Friday, January 4, 2008

Virtual Reunion

Wow, this blog thing is fun. I am catching up with so many friends! I wish I had been able to make it to the 20th reunion in late '06. Did any of y'all go? Our anniversary is 10/16, and that was the weekend of the reunion. Jim had already planned a trip to Helen, GA for the weekend - Ein Prosit! So I could not do both and it was the first time that we took a trip away for an anniversary since our first one and our honeymoon.

We got married in October of 1999 - can't believe that has already been eight years. Our honeymoon was at Disney, so it was really fun to go back there in early December. Jim already wants to go back for our 10th.

I did catch up with Stephanie Steele just before the reunion. She is in Columbia and had recently been divorced. I was sorry to hear that, but it does happen.

I think it's time to annoy my husband with some Star Trek this weekend. His Aunt got me this Star Trek trivia game, but Jim says I can't play it. He read through several of the questions on a number of cards and I knew all the answers! This is one of those games that you get to keep taking turns as long as you get the answer right. He said that I could play but be limited to just one right answer and could not keep going since I would win the game every time more than likely. The bad part was when he argued with me about one of the answers and I pulled out my Star Trek Concordance and proved him wrong. Silly man, he knows better than to argue with me about Star Trek!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm an IT nerd, not a doctor.


Steve said...

Star Trek Concordance, eh? You know, you need to throw a few questions out there on a future post and give some of us "closet trekkies" a shot. I think we could probably give a good account for ourselves.

Chuck said...

Closet Trekkies....I love it!

I was all jazzed about getting SceneIt on the Xbox 360. After three games, no one plays me.

Martha said...

Ok Steve. Let's start with an easy one - what episode is the picture in this post from?

Steve said...

It's from the episode where Kirk, Spock, and McCoy travel back to Vulcan for the "rut." McCoy is holding up the shot that will help Kirk breath while they fight, but it knocks him out instead (Spock thinks Kirk's dead).

Don't remember the name of the episode without Googling...

Martha said...

Don't remember the name of the episode? Blasphemy! You have the plot right though. It's Amok Time. Spock goes into the Pon Far (time of mating) and also delves deep in the Plak Tow - the blood fever. T'Pring calls for Ku nut Kalifee (marriage or challenge) and T'Pau officiates.

Yes, I am a total nerd.

Steve said...

I am in the presence of greatness. I salute you my Star Trek Queen!

Martha said...

LOL! You crack me up.