Monday, July 7, 2008

Weekend is over and so is Castle Game

Well, we had a very nice long weekend, but I am happy to be home. I took Wednesday, Thursday, and today off from work and am relaxing at home this morning before I cut the grass.

We went to my sister's and had a really good visit and fun 4th. Jim had bought some fireworks, which mostly consisted of smoke bombs and some cone looking things that made a big showere of sparks with pretty colors and then went snap, crackle, and pop pop pop all over the place at the end. The smoke bombs are stinky and the large ones go off for about 10 minutes. I have a large child for a husband I think. Quincy loved the fireworks. She also loves playing the 'Castle game' as she calls it.

She has a new fangled Fisher Price castle, but she plays with it with three small disney dolls of Princess Aurora, Ariel, and a prince who I'm not sure what his name is. The game consists of her telling me when it's morning time, night time, and of the sweetie (the child figure is Ariel) asking to go outside for a walk. When I tell her it's ok (I'm the mama and the daddy in the game), she goes for a walk and gets captured by the cat creature who takes the sweetie away and hides her. Then, the mama and the daddy have to go find her. After doing this about 1000 times this weekend cutting the grass is looking really fun.

Quincy didn't want to play with anyone but me. Nobody else could play the castle game with her. The best part though was that Meg taught me how to move the game along. I have to kill the cat creature with the dragon slayer thingy with the plastic arrows. If I hit it 3 times, it will disappear and leave sweetie alone - thank the Lord. Then we moved on to taking rides in the carriage and watching a movie. On the way, the carriage gets stuck in the mud so I push and get us moving again.

We had a really nice visit, and Jim is now threatning to get a castle for when Quincy visits as long as I insist on keeping my old fangled Fisher Price garage and cars. Whoops - somehow that castle got thrown into the fireplace!!

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