Monday, February 9, 2009

The calendar says February, but the weather says April

Saturday and Sunday were two of the nicest days we’ve had in a while. With all of the rain and bitter cold we’ve had, it was amazing that it actually smelled like a spring morning the last few mornings when I went outside to get the paper. Yesterday I drove around all afternoon with the windows down and the sunroof back. Imagine my surprise when I saw people with a convertible and the top was not down – what a waste! Yesterday was perfect convertible weather.

I can’t get over how beautiful it was yesterday – it just felt amazing. The days are getting longer too which is especially nice when leaving work at 6 and it’s still light outside! I think the dark and cold were really beginning to wear me down. I’ve been leaving my house before 7 every morning and been getting home around 6:30. Friday afternoon, I actually left the office at 4:50 and got home a decent time. That was great!

We are also supposed to have a mild week which will be really nice for a change. It reminds me of a Valentine’s Day when I was in college – it was 1989 and I had this short sleeve red dress that I wore that day because it was warm enough. I usually dressed every day to go to class as I was working on campus and couldn’t wear jeans to school and then work. So it was a perfect day to wear that red dress. I hope to wear some different clothes this week now that the weather will be more mild. It’s nice to wear something different for a change and especially because it has warmed up!


Chuck said...

Ok. So here's the funny thing.

I was reading this in Google Reader. For some reason, I thought I was reading Alan's blog.

I was confused by the red dress part. What's even funnier, I just chalked it up to Aln being Alan.

It was a beautiful weekend in Virginia, and we spent Sunday out at the farm riding (well, Katie was riding. Mom and I were getting Cocoa on and off the trailer).

Steve said...

It's still much to chilly here in Seattle for me to wear my red dress.