Monday, November 5, 2007


11/5/07 - Just found this while googling my maiden name today! Saw where my high school friends had posted about this silly movie they made for an English project and I played Miss Moneypenny in the James Bond take off movie. It brought back a lot of memories and I thought I would set this up so I could catch up with Steve, George, and Rick.


Rick said...

No way.

Steve said...

That Google site was how I found Rick and company as well.

Great to hear from you, Martha! These blogs have been a great way to catch up with old friends. What's it been...eleven years? The 10th reunion, right?

George said...

Awesome! Good to have you join the party!

Chuck said...

Welcome Aboard Mot! You came across them on 4thRowCenter and you didn't give a shout out to Jay and Chuck?

You cut me real deep Shrek. Real deep.

James said...

I actually resent your referring to our movie as "silly." I think a more appropriate description would be "mired in production problems and suffered under the oppression of a maniacal studio head."

Todd R. Vick said...

That you completely left me out is...well...expected. I missed out on some of those High School memories. I was either chasing bus drivers or polishing my Tuba. :) Nice to hear from you Martha. Welcome to the blogosphere.

George said...

Martha, now you're supposed to post another article to your blog. Preferably something nice about all the cool and handsome guys you knew back in High School.

Martha said...

Hey y'all. I am just now catching up after Thanksgiving and vacation at Disney. It has been too long - I saw most of y'all I think at the 10 year reunion in '96 - Steve, George, and Chuck for sure.

Todd - glad to hear from you as well!

Yes, I had mostly guy friends in high school but went for older ones instead of ones my age. Ah how things change as I married a younger man (3 1/2 years younger).