Sunday, January 6, 2008

Star Trek Trivia - by request

Well I have thought up some questions just for fun and will post them to see who knows what. Have fun and see ya around the galexy.

What is the name of the ship and rogue captain in the episode The Omega Glory?

What is the name of the yeoman that dresses up like a princess/lady in Shore Leave?

What is the name of Kirk's love interest in Shore Leave?

What is the name of the planet in the episode The Apple?

What is the name of the creature in The Apple? This is the thing that the people of ______ feed when it rings the dinner bell.

What is the name of the computer that is being tested in The Ultimate Computer?

What is the name of the librarian in All Our Yesterdays? Do you know who Spock's love interest is in this same episode (the one that lives in the ice age)?

Name the episode where Kirk, Spock, and McCoy encounter a mute girl who heals McCoy.

What is the name of the rock creature in The Savage Curtain?

Have some fun with these! And yes they were right off the top of my head! Scary I know.


Chuck said...

Holy Cow! I remember most of the references, but none of the details. Yikes.

But I did come across one good question from "Day of the Dove" (aired yesterday while I was painting"):

How many siblings does Chekhov have?

Mr. Sulu gave the answer in the show

Martha said...

None. Chekhov made him up in the episode as a result of being under the influence of the alien.

Steve said...

Alright. I'm guessing at most of these, so I'm having to depend on the Force. Wait, that's Star Wars. Accessing data, standby...

1. Captain Tracy. Ship is the USS Ticonderoga.
2. Yeoman Xythodgkjdf (it's unpronouncable, so they just call her "Sue")
3. Dunno. Never paid attention to the love stuff, just the phasers and photon torpedoes.

Honestly, I'm drawing a complete blank here. I didn't realize who I was dealing with and will receed into the shadows with my shame. Again, oh Queen of Star Trek, I salute thee!

Martha said...

Caution - Spoiler Alert - Answers

What is the name of the ship and rogue captain in the episode The Omega Glory? Ron Tracy, USS Exeter.

What is the name of the yeoman that dresses up like a princess/lady in Shore Leave? Yeoman Barrows.

What is the name of Kirk's love interest in Shore Leave? Ruth

What is the name of the planet in the episode The Apple? Gamma Trianguli VI

What is the name of the creature in The Apple? This is the thing that the people of ______ feed when it rings the dinner bell. Vaal (David Soul was in this episode!)

What is the name of the computer that is being tested in The Ultimate Computer? M-5

What is the name of the librarian in All Our Yesterdays? Do you know who Spock's love interest is in this same episode (the one that lives in the ice age)? Mr. Atoz; Zarabeth

Name the episode where Kirk, Spock, and McCoy encounter a mute girl who heals McCoy. The Empath

What is the name of the rock creature in The Savage Curtain? Yarnek

Martha said...

Steve, you got one answer right! The rest were classic.

Bonus question: There's an 80's song from Information Society (I wanna know what your thinking) and Mr. Spock says "Pure Energy" at one point in the song. What episode is this from?

Steve said...

That's the episode with Zephrem Cochrane, right? The follow it to the planet and find him there. The energy takes over the girl from the shuttlecraft party and stays with him, where they live happily ever after.

Martha said...

That is a good guess but it is not that one. It is Errand of Mercy where Kirk and Spock go to Organia and they are really simple people. The Klingons show up, and the Organians are really beings of pure energy. They stop the upcoming war between the federation and the Klingon empire by turing everything hot and the two sides have to make the Organian peace treaty.