Friday, July 25, 2008

Letters to and from Mafa

Last week my mom called me because Quincy wanted to send a letter to someone and she decided she wanted to send one to me. So she wrote her name a bunch and my name on a piece of paper and mom put it in an envelope. My mom addressed the envelope, and Quincy wrote Martha on the back of it so that she could put something on it too.

It was too cute and went right to on the fridge along with the other letter she mailed me a while back. So Monday morning I had a letter in the mailbox back to her, and I called my mom on Wednesday to see if she had received it. Mom said it came in Tuesday's mail. Quincy checked the mail after school when mom brought her home, and Quincy saw her letter and got all excited - I got a letter, I got a letter! Mom asked her who it was from and she didn't know. So mom showed her the return address to figure it out and when she read my name she said - It's from Mafa!!!

What a cute child. She can be bad though - I know she got that part from Meg. Last week (day 4 of Kindergarten) she wouldn't do what the teacher said and kicked the table leg instead of sitting in a circle. A note went home, and Quincy had to write an apology letter to the teacher. I never did anything remotely bad like that when I was growing up. I guess I saved it all for later on!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Friday!!


Steve said...

My kids love to get stuff in the mail. Even better now is email. My oldest boy has his own email address on yahoo. Every once and a while I'll catch a peek at who is emailing him. There's a few girls he knew from our previous base...he's real quick to get it off the screen before I can read the email, though.

Martha said...

So he is in middle school? Yeah - that's about the age where the boy/girl interest begins.

I used to love to get mail too. It was fun. The only bad part is that I wan't there to see all of the excitement! Meg said she was thrilled to get the letter from me. Even Jim sees that I am "it" whenever we visit. She always wants to be with me. How sweet. He thinks it's also because I don't have to discipline her and I play with her.