Thursday, October 9, 2008

I'm responsible for dinner

So Tuesday afternoon Jim emails me because he's had a very hectic day and will have to stay late for a staff meeting. He emails me and asks me if I can be responsible for dinner - I email him back to see what he has in mind.

Now, for those of you who don't know I don't do the cooking at my house. That is a husband task because, I don't cook much, Jim likes to, and I just don't. So I wasn't really sure what Jim was expecting when he asked me to be "responsible" for dinner. Turns out, he wanted me to get a pizza from Papa John's ordered - that I can do for sure.

So I called them on the way home, and went by there to pick it up so that it would be home when he got home. It felt kind of nice too, having dinner ready when Jim came home. The last time I cooked dinner was Valentines Day 2006. Sad that I remember this and sad that is the last time I cooked a dinner for Jim. However, Jim knew all of my culinary skills and lack/will thereof waaaayyyy before we got married. When we were dating, I cooked breakfast for him. I was telling my best friend about it and she said "You cooked something? This must be serious." My friends know me well!!!!


Steve said...

I actually enjoy cooking for Arlene. Of course, she enjoys it as well. In some Polynesian cultures, men cooking is the norm.

By the way, fish sticks and tater tots...can't go wrong.

Martha said...

Well, I can cook anything in the microwave! Actually, I'm not a bad cook - I just don't really have much practice. I can cook things well that I have done before and often, but I'm not good at new stuff.

I actually cook better breakfast than Jim. Somehow he always manages to burn french toast and mine is perfect. I also had to teach him how to cook bacon in the microwave! He still is challenged doing it - either that or he fakes it 'cause he wants me to do it.

Usually, he kicks me out of the kitchen.

Todd R. Vick said...

I'm not much of a cook either. But a wife who actually gets Star Trek is surely worth cooking for.