Monday, June 2, 2008

Dinner and a Movie

So Friday afternoon, Jim went to the store and got all of the ingrediants to make something I like but don't have often - eggplant parmesean. The recipie he used was really good, but it should have a caution - will make more food than you need warning on it. All of the food network stuff he tries is really good, but makes too much food. Plus, he said the 20 min. preparation time was grossly underestimated.

He made everything from scratch Saturday nite for dinner. I now have enough to have eggplant parmesean every day for a month as it made a ton of food. I think he could do the same thing and just fry up the breaded eggplant and sprinkle cheese on it and cook it in the oven and I would be happy. As it stands now, I have a ton of food to reheat and eat or feel guilty for throwing it away.

After he got the dish ready, we watched a movie that he DVRd the other day - Knocked Up (with Katherine Heigl and some guy I had never seen). It is a comedy, but I just didn't get that much out of it except movie bonding time with Jim after a delicious and lovingly prepared dinner.

I kept waiting for the movie to be uplifting in some way, but I think it lost me at the 50th time they dropped the "F" bomb. I am exaggerating, but it was terribly overused. I told him yesterday I wish the movie had been better, but the company and the dinner were the best. I didn't expect anything morally relevant with the Knocked Up title, but at least if he had won a lot of money during the vegas trip it would have added something more to the so-called plot.


Chuck said...

Matha - Excellent Review. The male actor is Seth Rogen. Put his name into IMDB and you will see the films he has been in (very prolific of late). The payoff for me in Knocked Up was the birthing, but, I had the same problem: the "F" bomb and the "stoner" lifestyle (sure, they were funny, but only because they were stoners). Ultimately, I haven't brought this one home for Cindy because I think she would agree with your review.

Freeze some of that eggplant and ship it my way! Jim has set the level for us guy readers.

Martha said...

I was so busy writing about the F bomb I forgot to comment on the stoner lifestyle! Thanks for adding that. You are right that the birth was the highpoint - that and the way the guy handled the whole doctor issue (the funny message he left for the lame one that went out of town) and the one at the hospital. And the guy did manage to get a job and be responsible, but the whole thing was somewhat unbelievable.

I'm glad I didn't pay to see this movie as I would have been very disappointed.

You are welcome to the eggplant. I'm afraid that most of it will be doomed to the disposal at some point in the not too distant future.

Major A++ for effort on my husband's part - and he doesn't even like it and didn't eat any!