Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Adventures at Best Buy

Late Saturday, Jim and I went to Best Buy to find this Stargate movie/DVD that he has been waiting on (joy). Apparently, they did not have enough season left to finalize all of the series plots so they released a movie directly to DVD.

While there, I saw the DVD of The Secrets of Isis show from about 1977. I had no idea it was on DVD, but this was a must have. I loved this show and I wanted to BE Isis when I was about 8. Can't wait to see these with my sister. We watched this show religously when we were little. Best Buy is a total geek experience in one store - I love it!

I will refrain from making Jim watch it with me though as then I would have to be tortured with Stargate.


Rick said...

Wasn't it Isis and Shazam on CBS, and then Electragirl and the Superfriends on ABC? Fun times.

Martha said...

Yeah - Isis and Shazam were on back to back on one channel. The only reason I watched Shazam was in case Isis was on his show and then she came on right after!

I remember watching Superfriends mostly early in the morning (like at 7am) when I was in about 4th grade. They had probably been on for a while by the time I watched them. I never watched Electragirl though.

Steve said...

I remember watching Shazam. I remember how he never pointed his toes when he flew. I realize now that he was just standing up in front of a blue screen with his hands over his head. Not nearly as cool as superman.