Sunday, August 31, 2008

New things I don't want to buy

Last week, we had between 9 and 11 inches of rain because of the remnants of Tropical Storm Faye. Unfortunately, Wednesday morning, we noticed two water stains on the ceiling upstairs :(. After work, Jim went into the attic and found the leaks. This is bad. We got an estimate yesterday and it seems we need to go ahead and put on a new roof. We were hoping it could wait a couple more years, and there are other things we wanted to do to our house first, but this is not a want and falls into the need catagory - big time.

The only thing that makes me feel any better is that our neighbor (who's roof is only 8 yeas old) also had a leak this week from his roof. At least ours is much older as I would be really upset to have a leak from an 8 year old roof!

So the home depot man came out and gave us the estimate and went through all of our options, and at the end he says "Congratulations on your new roof". Swell. Just what I always wanted.

1 comment:

Rick said...

Did you ask if they had transparent aluminum? That stuff could be right under the shingles, hold out the pressure of tons of water and even a couple of blue whales. I'd ask to at least get another estimate.