Monday, August 4, 2008

Visit this weekend from my niece

We had such a good time this weekend! My parents came to visit and brought Quincy with them! It was a lot of fun and she was so sweet. She started Kindergarten a couple of weeks ago, and they began the Friday Treasure Chest for the kids who were good all week. They get to pick something from the Treasure Box as a reward. Well, Quincy had hers with her in the car when they arrived on Friday afternoon. She came in the house, and put it on the counter, and told Jim that she brought that and that it was for Mafa because ‘I love Mafa’. What a sweet thing. I went in and she told me it was for me and I asked her if she was sure that she wanted me to have it that she had just gotten it that day. She said yes because I love you and I’ll get something else next Friday. Awww. I gave her a big hug and said thank you and that I loved her too.

We took her to Carowinds Saturday morning, and she wanted to only ride the fast rides. We rode the Fairly Oddparents Coaster (the old Scooby Doo) three times, rode the kiddie coaster (the caterpillar kind of one) twice, and we rode the phantom fliers (they are really fun). On the way home, she was talking about riding in Grandmommy’s car and she said that she had ridden in everybody elses car but mine could she ride in it. So I took her to ride in my car down to the park in our subdivision. She couldn’t see out the window though even from the front seat, and I would not take her on a road outside of my subdivision in my car without her carseat. She got in my car and went Wow – I like this! So I put the sunroof back and rolled down the windows for her ride.

It was a bit hot at the park on Saturday afternoon, so we went back early Sunday morning and played before I had my shower. That was a good thing as I ran around with her on that playground and went through the tunnels and down the slide several times. After 45 minutes of that I was really tired! I can ride 8 miles on the exercise bike in 30 minutes, but 45 minutes of playing with a 5 year old wears me out!

They left right after an early lunch, and I missed my little sweetie as soon as she was gone. I called my sister last night, and Quincy had talked about coming to my house for three days before hand and told her teacher that she was coming to my house. She loves coming to Mafa’s house is what she told her teacher. And also that she loves her Aunt Mafa. I love her too.


Rick said...

Two things:
(1) That caterpillar coaster at Carowinds is death. My knees were shoved back into my pelvis every time we went over a bump, or hell hill as I called them.
(2) So glad you have fun with your niece, but every time you mention "Quincy" I think of the Jason's iguana from the comic strip Foxtrot. Or Jack Klugman.

Martha said...

Yes - that coaster hurt my mom's neck as she rode it with Qbert the first time. I knew what to expect and just tried to relax. Unfortuantely, I realized just as I got on it that I needed to take a potty break. Bad timing for the pelvis hurt.

I'm not thrilled with her name so I end up calling her Qbert or Squidward. She loves Spongebob, so I call her little Squidward or just Squidward! We call her sweetie a lot too and when we play little people house or Barbie dolls, she says that I get to be either the mom or dad and she is always the 'sweetie' as she calls it.