Sunday, August 17, 2008

Trivia question

So who knows the significance of the numbers 16309?

HINT: This is a Star Trek trivia question and this code was used to do something. Anyone? Bueller, Bueller?


Rick said...

Steve's new zipcode in WA?

Martha said...

Survey says - XXXXX. Any others?

Ferdlings said...

It's the code Spock uses to get the USS-Reliant to lower her shields!

Martha said...

I knew someone would get it! Give the man a prize. It is called the Prefix code.

Steve said...

My guess was the code to Kirk's safe. I'm reminded of the SNL skit with William Shatner...

Martha said...

"Reliant's prefix code is 16309." "Each starship has a prefix code to prevent an enemy from doing what we're doing, using our computer to order Reliant to lower her shields."

Ok, in fairness, this was on a movie channel on Sunday and I watched most of it. That's why I thought of the question.

I think Star Trek and Star Wars have the same problems - the need for better network security. This incident in Star Trek II and the fact that R2D2 can plug into any dataport and access the empire's network shows that there is a big gap in network security in both worlds.

Martha said...

Oh yes, Steve, ha ha ha. Actually, sounds like some kind of comment Jim would make while rolling his eyes.

And William Shatner in SNL said "You - you ever kissed a girl?"

Cue the Kate Perry song "I kissed a girl and I liked it" (no I've never done that)!

Chuck said...

I am going to slingshot around the sun so I can answer this question before it is even written.

Steve said...

Chuck, that cracks me up! That should be the subject for a blog entry. "Why didn't the Enterprise just go back in time all the time to 'tweak' things." Could other starships go back in time too? That would be an interesting episode...Kirk running into Capt Pike back in 1960's Earth.